Full Cooperation:
Zero Violence



During 2016, the Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties (MSDC) dedicated significant attention to the area of gender-based violence. Indeed, a public consultation was launched with regard to a Bill intended to fully implement and exceed the minimum criteria of the Istanbul Convention in national law. Furthermore, the project ‘Full Cooperation: Zero Violence’ was one of the two projects which were submitted for funding to calls issued by the European Commission to implement the policy and promotional aspect of the Istanbul Convention, and by the end of 2016 both projects had received an approval.

In September 2016, the Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence Bill was launched for public consultation and following its finalisation by MSDC, it was then, sent to the Attorney General for review. The first reading took place in November 2016, and the parliamentary process will continue once the reviewing process is finalised and the Bill is published in the Government Gazzette.


Following an open call across all Member States by DG Justice, EU Commission, MSDC submitted a project application in June 2016. MSDC was awarded the project in November 2016. Its implementation is targeted for January 2017 and completed by the end of 2018. The project is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme by the European Union.

The project intends to:

​· Strengthen multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary cooperation, enabling relevant professionals to collaborate on, mitigate and respond to violence against women (VAW) and gender-based violence (GBV) effectively;
· Develop and implement training programmes, a manual of procedures (MOP) and a set of standard operating procedures (SOP) enabling cooperation and coordination of professionals from various sectors who come into contact with potential victims, thus ascertaining an upgrade in the quality of services and the introduction of national minimum standards;
· Raise awareness and encourage victims and potential victims, witnesses and bystanders to report violence and seek help through the upgraded services; and
· Share lessons learnt in European Union (EU) fora and bilaterally.


​​The project was launched by Hon. Helena Dalli on 10th July 2017.

A steering group committee has been set up consisting of a focal point from the entities involved in the project in order to strengthen a multi-agency approach. The entities involved are:

· Former Ministry for Civil Liberties (MSDC) – Ministry for European Affairs and Equality (MEAE)
· Ministry for Education (MEDE)
· Ministry for Health (MEH)
· Ministry for Justice (MJCL)
· Commission on Domestic Violence (CDV)
· Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS) and
· Malta Police Force (MPF)

A research study is being carried out by University of Malta (UoM) in order to explore the experiences of victims and professionals who provide services to victims of VAW and GBV

The development of Manual of Procedure (MOP) and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in response to violence against women (VAW) and gender-based violence (GBV)

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Co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme by the European Union